The Bounty

I’ve been meaning to post about the return of Capt K and Wee Happy, but truthfully I haven’t gotten around to it since he returned a week ago. He had smooth sailing all the way up here, with the exception of a few thunderstorms they managed to dodge at sea. He and Ryan both got in a little sailing fix and looked super salty when they got back.
Wee Happy is now anchored next to Way Happy and we are starting to get her ready to sell. More details to follow on that soon. Being back on Wee Happy really make us appreciate how WAY happier we are on Way Happy!!! So much more comfort and space on our new boat!
They returned just in time for the next most exciting thing to happen at the marina since the sinking of the dredging barge. The arrival of the HMS Bounty. This celebrity tall ship, which has been in movies like Pirates of the Carribean, is truly a sight to behold.

It created quite the fanfare arriving into St. Augustine.


She stayed all weekend while throngs of people came out to see her. The crew of the Black Raven toured the boat yesterday. Here are a few pics of us on the Bounty.


Lala at the helm!

Nice assimage/>

The pirate crew.

So many lines!!


And, from our dinghy, a view up the ladys dress very few people get to see!!

One thought on “The Bounty

  1. Capt. Mhack

    I’m glad they are back safe!
    HMS Bounty is a beauty!
    I wonder where are they going next..
    How did they move around in the harbor, under their own power or with help?


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