We are finding the ICW rather beautiful and peaceful right now. We are even sailing, gliding along quietly at an easy 4 knots through lovely, open grassy marshes and tidal creeks. And we can’t comlplain about the weather, it has been quite warm and sunny for days now!

It is amazing to see the East coast at such a slow speed. We get to witness things that people in cars, or even powerboats for that matter, dont normally see, at least not in the detail we get at what amounts sometimes to walking speed. Things like terns wrestling with a fish they caught that is just a little too big for their throats. The reflection of trees on the water. Herons standing in silent, still watch, as if in deep meditation. Fisherman coming home in their little skiffs, skimming over the water to go clean their catch of the day. Empty mansions along the waterfront. Slow travel may be slow, but it has it’s rewards.
Today we stopped along the way to try to get some oysters, as it was low tide and we could see there were a lot around. We mostly found small ones, but we are looking forward to eating the bigger ones we picked!

Here is one of the oyster beds, and you can see some of the oysters clusters sticking out of the water.
We will be in Charleston tomorrow, and are looking forward to reuniting with our favorite city on the lower East coast!
– Capt’n K & Lala
Location:South Carolina
These are not Rocky Mountain oysters are they? Nice pictures you posted. Have a good time in Old Charleston.