Here we are in the famed Great Dismal Swamp. After going through Norfolk, the Dismal Swamp seems like a beautiful paradise. Norfolk is the dismal place…..all those ominous warships and monstrous tankers and dismal development along the water. The Great Dismal swamp seems delightful to us right now. And we believe it may be the first time our boat has been in fresh water! It is wild to be taking our blue water boat though the middle of a dense forest!

It is pretty shallow though! We ran aground almost as soon as we entered the swamp canal, and thanks to Capt K’s speedy action hauling out an anchor with the dinghy, we got off in a record 10 minutes and still managed to catch the lock opening a mile further down that we were racing to catch before we ran aground! Now, instead of having to watch wind and tides and currents, we have to pay close attention to the bridge and lock opening schedule and attempt to plan our travel accordingly.
Last night we tied the boat off to some trees in the swamp and spent the calmest night we have ever had on the boat. No one around but us and some owls hooting in the forest (and some super scary spiders).

Oh! And I almost forgot to mention the pizza! Pizza is something that Capt K. in particular CRAVES when we are out at sea or away from “civilization” for awhile. He starts to get obsessive about it. He’s been talking about it for days now. Well, yesterday, just after we passed through the lock in the Swamp, we saw a dock that you could tie up to with a pizza place just across the street! We stopped and tied up and half an hour later we were enjoying a hot pizza and a cold beer! Cap’t K sure was happy!

I know the whole pizza thing sounds trivial, but sometimes it is little things like this that can make your whole day!! And seriously, if any of you cruisers out there are ever going through the Great Dismal swamp, this is a GREAT spot to easily get some provisions. just tie up your boat at the free dock just past the bridge of the first lock and across the street is a big grocery store, pizza place, etc. Super easy and convenient!
That’s all for now…next stop Elizabeth City, NC. We are so happy to be in North Carolina, we love it here!
Capt’n K & Lala
Location:Great Dismal Swamp
That pizza looks great! I just got a SLICE of pizza at laquories for lunch that I shared with 4 people. It is the size of a small pizza and cost $3.50.
SPIDERS! NOOOO. I don’t do spiders! I had a wood spider on my above ground pool once and within a week it was gone Spider and Pool. Same for my 62 Volkswagen beetle, and I loved that car. But I couldn’t get into it again. Gave it to my Dad who turned into a speed demon with it. He drove a bus and thought the car was a toy!
Where are you guys going to be when the storm down near Florida hits. Some place cozy and safe I hope.
Take care
Love Pam
You would have completely lost it if you saw the spider that crawled on me while I went ashore! It was hairy legged like a tarantula, and on it’s back it had a jellybean sized bright yellow protrusion with flame like orange designs on it. Amazing looking, and very scary!!! I’ve never seen one like that before!
Ah, the Naval ships. They protect our shores, safeguard the seas, and deter aggression. What a beautiful thing!
Yes, the Naval ships are definitely impressive and mighty vessels. It’s amazing to get to see them up close!
I totally get the pizza thing. Many do not understand the sort of monks’life living aboard means. When I did it at the dock, I missed ice cream (no freezer) cakes, pies, turkey (no oven) and being able to do my own laundry at home.