Plan version 1.1?

So we didn’t leave yesterday. Captain K was finishing up a project for one of his consulting clients that took a little longer than expected. So we sat in the harbor on wifi until that was completed at 5:00 pm. We just had to make a judgement call, and it simply was more important to finish up the project well than to leave on our initial schedule.

It’s the advice that we’ve heard most often on our journeys, “don’t travel on a schedule.” e.g. be flexible and don’t lock yourself into any specific travel dates. Let the weather and intuition guide you. That has served us well, but it is also maddening. We sat here all day yesterday with perfect ideal beautiful sailing weather. Lots of lovely vessels dropped their mooring lines and hoisted their sails to the masthead and flew away in to the glistening waters of Buzzards Bay. But not us. We sat here grinding our teeth and making much needed money.

C’est la vie, or “Sail a Vie” as some boat names punnily say.

So now we are going to amend our plan to simply this: go out there and then decide where to go. How’s that for a well laid plan!

No, seriously. That seems the best option. It’s powerful out there today. Lots of wind. Lots of gusts. Probably big waves, and the current in the bay will be against us. So maybe we’ll go to Cuttyhunk still as our first stop, but maybe we’ll take a right instead and hug the coast to keep in the less intense wind and then put into Newport, RI. We should be able to post our decision from our iPad 3G while we are out there, but who knows. We might not post again until we are anchored somewhere this evening.

Tomorrow looks like it will be a little bit less powerfully windy, so we’ll decide then if we are heading to New Jersey or going to cruise the Long Island Sound to stay in protected waters before heading to sea.

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