A new lady in our life

We’ve dropped hints, and for some the word is out, and here we are to declare the news:

We got a bigger boat.

What?  The proponents of all things Wee got a bigger boat?!

Yes.  We did.  We can barely believe it ourselves.  It’s all happened quite fast, and in many ways Divine Providence seems to have stepped in and placed this boat in our path.  Even though we’ve been fantasizing about a bigger boat for awhile now, we weren’t seriously shopping for one.  But a friend’s father was selling his boat and suggested we come look at it.  It was way out of our price range, but at his urging, we went out to the Cape to take a look.  The boat in question is 37′ Islander, a fiberglass sloop of about the same vintage as Wee Happy.

When we arrived at the yacht club, our car “conveniently”  broke down, forcing us to seek a place to spend the night until we could have it looked at by a mechanic the next day.  Well, how about staying on the boat?  It would be nice to try out the bed in the big v-berth….and it was our wedding anniversary the day we went to look at it.  As it turns out, it was also the wedding anniversary of Mark, the owner of boat.  (he’s been married about 45 years longer than we have)

Anyway, we looked at the boat with Mark.  The boat is classy, with gorgeous, well maintained wood everywhere.  Mark, a well seasoned sailor, has owned the boat for over 30 years and has taken meticulous care of it. It’s got all the wonderful conveniences that were missing on Wee Happy.  In addition to the things one would expect on a sailboat, like good sails, intact rigging, a solid hull, gps, etc, this boat (called the Nobska Lady) also has amazing luxuries like running hot water, a stove, a real bathroom, and a table.  And STANDING HEADROOM.  For Cap’t K, that was a major selling point.  Because, as much as we love Wee Happy and think the Albin Vega is a great boat, it was becoming literally painful for Cap’t K. to inhabit.  And I had reached my absolute limit in living without a fully functioning bathroom.  So those things combined have led us to the conclusion that we can not continue to be long term liveaboard cruisers on Wee Happy.  At least not happily……

So anyway, we looked at the boat, and then we spent the night on the boat.  We were basically impressed with the boat when we got the tour with Mark, but it wasn’t until we woke up on the boat the next day that we realized we were in love.  We simply fell in love with it.  The warm beautiful wood covering the interior, the space, the actual kitchen, the wonderful cockpit……we could get used to this…..

Our car continued to conspire against our departure from the harbor and was not able to be fixed the next day.  So Mark took us out for a sail.  She sails beautifully.  Does 6 knots no problem.  We fell in love some more.  We spent another night on the boat.  We fell in love some more.  And then we made an offer, and now the boat is ours.  We ended up getting it for the exact amount we sold our yurt for, which felt perfect.  It’s like we traded one home for another home, an equal trade.  (except that now we have waterfront property!)

Getting her bottom wet after Irene

Right around this time, Hurricane Irene came blasting through.  At first we were worried about Wee Happy, and then we realized the storm was actually headed pretty much straight for our new boat near Cape Cod.  We hadn’t yet paid for and taken posession of the Nobska Lady yet, and happened to be way up on Lake Chaplain taking care of some other business when the hurricane approached.  So as it turned out Mark did the responsible thing and had it hauled out of the water for the storm, and she weathered it just fine, to everyone’s relief.  The following week we went and helped put the rigging and sails back up and got to inspect Nobska Lady’s bottom.

Since the purchase we have been stuck on land dealing with the last of our car nightmares, work, and wrapping things up for our departure south.  In a few days we will be finally ready to move onto the boat for good.

While we have been landlocked we have continued to have the pleasure of spending time with good friends. Many thanks and hugs go out to our friends Erin, Josh, and their daughter Sasha for opening their home to us, making yummy food for us, and even cooking homemade chicken soup when Cap’t K. was sick! We are eternally grateful! And a special mention also to Cap’t K’s sister Sas, who has been lovingly babysitting our cats for 3 months now while we have been in transition.
And we would also like to thank our sailing friends Mimi and Rich who hosted us in their wonderful Adirondack camp during the hurricane. (we weren’t really camping….a “camp” is a term commonly used in the Adirondacks for a big family lodge or house on the lake. We were cozy by a stone fireplace while it rained buckets outside!)

This weekend we had a marvelous reunion with our sailing buddies Roark and Sherry, along with Roark’s daughter Aisling and friend Morgan from s/v Good Goose.  Some of you may remember them from our journey down the ICW last year.  They were some of our best friends we met while sailing on Wee Happy and we were relieved to discover we could be friends with them even on land — we spent the weekend at Roark’s family cabin in the deep woods of the Adirondacks and didn’t even see water the whole time we were together but loved each other’s company just the same!

Reunited and it feels so good!

Roark gets a ride in Vanny!

I know some of you out there (like Wes!) are going to give us crap for ever for getting a bigger boat. You are all invited onto our new boat for a big dance party and sleep over!

But to put the “bigger” concept in perspective, we are currently using the boat as our home. On Wee Happy we were living in a space about the same size as some people’s walk in closet, now we are in the space about the size of a small living room….it’s still Wee! Not to mention that both Wee Happy and Nobska Lady combined cost less than an average new car!

For those of you wondering about what we are going to do with Wee Happy, we are still in a decision making process about it, however she is being taken care of by some friends for now.

We are also in the process of coming up with a new name for Nobska Lady, as her name had special meaning for the previous owners but not so much for us. Maybe “Way Happy”??

More details to follow, stay tuned!

11 thoughts on “A new lady in our life

  1. Pam

    When God close a door he opened a BAY WINDOW for you guys!
    Talk about God’s hand in it. The anniversaries and price as the yurt.
    Good shape , your car breaking down and getting to go out on it!
    I am so very happy for you both that things are going your way. Just wait until the hurricane season is over before you head south, I don’t think I could go through worrying about you in one of those….
    Your the greatest, more room so you can write your book. Better get started soon.
    Love Pam

  2. Daz

    Congrats guys, she sounds perfect for you. Are you planning to head south for the season? We’re launching in the next week or two and will then hang around the Brunswick, GA area for a while before heading to the Bahamas for winter. We’ll watch for you…

    Daz & Judi
    s/v Pau Hana

  3. James Legge

    Congrats guys I’m very happy for you both. Especially Captn K who can now live fully upright. I look forward to another cold season of reading your warm weather adventures.

  4. Steve

    Way cool. Can’t wait to follow your next adventures. Like Invictus, you have become the master of your own destiny! Enjoy!

  5. Jay Gordon

    I’ve been amazed over this recession at how much boat you can get for nearly nothing. I saw the asking price for “Nobska Lady” was 25,000 but it looks like they came way down from that. People usually hold these types of boats 3 years or less and so there is a huge amount for cheap boats now. Even a 1968 like yours should have sold for over 40,000 before the recession. If you hold it long enough- like maybe 5 to 10 years, you could actually make money on the boat itself.

    1. wh-admin Post author

      Yes we got an incredible, too good to pass up deal on this boat! And for it’s age, this boat is in very good condition and doesn’t need any extra work for us to go cruising. We are very grateful that we came upon this situation.


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