leaving for the Bahamas now.

We’re heading out! We just pulled our anchor and are heading out to the gulf stream past the reef.

Here is our plan: 85 nautical mile passage from Islamorada Florida to Bimini Sands Marina, Bimini, Bahamas. True course 56 degrees. Assuming that we average 4 knots, our compensated course to steer is a heading of 82 degrees. We’ll see what the current is when we get out there though, and we will probably have to modify that a bit.

We stowed our dinghy on the deck, deflated, with the outboard in the v-berth. Everything looks good. The weather is for south to southeast winds of 10 to 15 knots for tonight and tomorrow, so hopefully we can sail the whole way! Gas is expensive, but we have 25 gallons on board if we need them.

When we arrive at e Bimini Sands Marina, we should have internet access, and we will post to let everyone know how it went and that we’re okay. So if you don’t hear from us by Saturday night then we are overdue.

Then we’ll check in with customs and consider the next leg of the trip from there.

So thanks for tuning in! Your thoughts and prayers are welcome.

– Capt’n K & Lala

3 thoughts on “leaving for the Bahamas now.

  1. alicia

    I’m huffing and puffing from here so you have enough wind to make it! Sail on sweet friends, and look forward to the yarns you spin.


  2. Sara

    I’m so excited for you!!! We’re in the Exumas now, and it’s absolutely amazing over here! Every time we go somewhere new, it’s even more beautiful than the last place. The Berry Islands were really pretty, too, and we loved our time there.
    Have a great time, wherever you go! We’ll keep in touch when we can. Internet over here is pretty scarce (at least when you only go 5 miles a day and stop in remote locations). So glad to hear you’re making the trip!

    1. wh-admin Post author

      Thanks Sara! Sorry we couldn’t catch up to you! We really tried!!!! Maybe we can catch you on your way back north. We really want to explore the Exumas, but we’ll be on Andros for another week at least. There are so many blue holes and aweseome reefs here, and there are so few cruisers!!!! It’s really amazing!


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