Podcast: WAHOO!!! Running aground and waiting for the next high tide on the Wahoo River

We’ve run aground plenty of times. We’re traveling on the ICW after all! Everyone rubs the bottom or gets stuck a little now and then.

Thanks to our trusty honda outboard, we’ve always been able to get off easily. Just stick her into reverse and wiggle your way out. Easy.

Well not this time!

Wahoo River

The hidden island that we found in the Wahoo River, Georgia

We got stuck on a submerged island as the tide was going out. The wind was so strong that we could not get off, and the tide was going out so fast that after half an hour we were stuck beyond help. Add in the 30+ knot gale force winds and sub-freezing temperatures and the quickly coming nightfall, and we had one hell of a night. Thank God for our dinghy and for our guardian angels!


4 thoughts on “Podcast: WAHOO!!! Running aground and waiting for the next high tide on the Wahoo River

  1. Larry

    Time to fly back home and resume the trip in the spring. I hate to see you suffer so with such poor cold weather to deal with. So much for Global Warming!

  2. Suzy

    Well… Wahoo certainly has a whole new meaning for you now! You both are amazing! You can tackle ANYTHING!
    Thanks for the nice words about our visit. We really enjoyed spending some time with you and wish it was longer…
    We went by Hells Gate in October with friends on their sailboat and I held my breath! Sorry that that phantom island got you… but now you know you can do it! (small consolation, I know….)
    You are pretty close to the open water there… are you going to get out on the ocean tomorrow??? Hopefully the gale force winds are long gone and it will be smooth sailing to Florida!
    We’re thinking about you and sending positive vibes your way…
    Suzy and Bob

  3. Tim

    You probably know by now that sediment etc always collects on the inside radius of any bend of moving water, and at the point of any land that is bounded by 2 sides of moving water. These are slower moving, low pressure areas, which cause the sediment to drop out of the faster moving streams alongside forming bars/shallows. I Really enjoy reading about your blunderings and survivals along the ICW, it has given my girlfriend a lot of confidence to try our own newbie trip into unfamiliar areas. thanks -Tim

  4. Larry

    Your trip would make such an interesting and exciting “reality” tv show! You would be world famous as Kristopher the sailor, and, Lisa the sailorette.
    Luv to U both


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