The quest for Wee Happy begins

Yesterday Cap’t K and our friend Ryan left to go to the Florida Keys to get Wee Happy, our “other” sailboat.  Wee Happy, who has been lonely and awaiting our return for many months now, is coming up to St. Augustine to be with us at last.  Cap’t K and Ryan are sailing her up here, where we can work on her to get her ready to sell this summer.  It will be a fun time for both of them I’m sure, and hopefully soon I will have photos from them to post of their journey.  It was great of Ryan to offer to help Cap’t K sail the boat up here, although I know he had his own motives of itching to be out on the water again.  He is working on his boat now and hasn’t sailed for awhile either.

Meanwhile I am left behind in St. Augustine alone, working my butt off, while those two are off on a sailing adventure.  It’s not so bad though…I needed some alone time anyway, and hey, I just got back from the beach.  Beach treasureThere is a glorious beach here in St. Augustine that stretches on for miles.  They don’t have that in the Keys!  And the spring weather has been splendid here, with lots of flowers in full bloom, including expansive amounts of blooming jasmine that fills the streets with intoxicating scent.

I have a new pirate accessory too…..a dagger!  Who knew I would ever have a job where I would be excited to get one of these.  It goes nicely with the jasmine, don’t you think?

3 thoughts on “The quest for Wee Happy begins

    1. admin Post author

      Id like to say that in true pirate fashion I stole it, but truthfully I got it online from a pirate supply store. R.C. Mercantile.

  1. Marci

    Hello, Lala! Make sure while you’re in St. Augustine that you work your way south to a place called Marineland. DON’T go to their dolphin place…keep going past that and pull into the parking lot that has the small block bathroom. Go up to the boardwalk and head down to the beach…and start walking south! Only go during low tide or you’ll miss all the pretty areas. It might not be as awesome as the Bahamas, but I love it. 🙂

    I just found your blog and I don’t have time to read it all…so I’ll be reading backwards when I get snippets of time! I can’t wait to read all about your adventures….


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