We have been on the go, having fun with Stephanie and it’s been hard to find the time to sit down and write any updates for the blog! So here’s what we’ve been up to the last few days….
On our way out to Bahia Honda Beach, right after I was commenting how we had never been stopped by any official in our boat before, we got stopped by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, who were in a scary looking powerboat with 4 giant engines of 225 horsepower each. It had to go as fast as it could with all those engines maxed in order to catch up to us under full sail. They pulled up next to our boat and one of the officials jumped over to our boat and checked our documentation. Good thing we had just dropped off the 4 illegal Cubans we had hiding in the v-berth! Satisfied that we were not criminals, the border patrol officer complimented our wee boat for being clean and went on his merry way.
After a rocky night anchored off of Bahia Honda beach, we went ashore the next day and did a photo shoot of my latest handwoven scarves. Stephanie was a great model, and the scenery was perfect too. Here’s a shot of her displaying the scarf that could be yours. (only $85!) Contact me for more info.

Luxuriously soft cotton scarf only $85
There are two of these available, don’t miss your chance to have a Dreamweaver creation.
In the afternoon we sailed over to the “bay side” of the Keys to check out some islands that had been recommended to us by our native Keys friend Katherine. We kayaked around a small island that was covered in roosting pelicans and other birds. We must have got a bit too close because all at once the island lifted up into the air and disappeared. That was WEIRD. Here we are kayaking near the island while it was still there:

the mysterious disappearing Pelican Island
Good thing the kayak only needs 3 inches of water to float, because most of the area we covered in the kayak was 4 inches deep!!
That night we tried fishing again, only to be disappointed. We were stunned, however, to see hundreds of bioluminescent worms glowing in the water around our boat. They seemed to emit a discharge into the water that also glowed. Crazy! Amazing! What strange things will happen next to the lucky individuals aboard Wee Happy?!?

Dolphin and 7 mile bridge
Here’s what happened next…..the next day we sailed back to Marathon escorted by a pod of jumping dolphins. Then we went to music concert where we were the only people there under age 50. The music was good, but it was not as exciting of a show as we had hoped, and so we managed to find a poolside bar where we enjoyed the sunshine and a few drinks.
On Stephanie’s last day, of course we wanted to show her the best time of her life and have the most perfect day ever. We decided to sail up to a nearby harbor to meet our friends Mel and RJ. It was the warmest day we’ve had in the last week and it was a great day to be out on the water. But there was NO wind and we ended up motoring to get there. Drag. Then we finally got there only to find that it was too shallow to get our boats into and we ended up turning around and coming back to Marathon. Major drag. But hey, it was glorious on the water, and we got to make pina coladas for each other, and that’s just how the pickle wrinkles. (this is a famous saying from Luck, WI)
Just for fun, here are a few more pics of Stephanie’s stay here. And 10 points for anyone who can guess which details of this post are true and which are fictitious.

Shallow water kayaking

bundled up in the dinghy

Mojo checks out the wee fish
We would post more photos but the computer is being weird and I can’t access the photos. Is anyone else having issues with these types of things? My phone wasn’t working for a few days, my camera died, computers are being difficult, etc. It must be the “marine” environment….
Anyway, we are off to make dinner on my sister’s last night here. Good night!