Well, we’ve decided not to do an overnight on the ocean to go to Florida today and tomorrow. It’s near record cold here right now, and the winds are pretty strong, even though they are in the right direction.
So, we are travelling further down the ICW with our next goal being Savannah, Gorgia on Tuesday night. It’s 110 miles away, so it will take two full days of travel. It may even take us until Wednesday to get there. The days are short, and we don’t travel at night on the ICW.
So thank you everyone for your comments in response to our last post!!! All of the ideas made perfect sense, but I’ll tell you exactly what we meant by the post title. Our outboard is great and we love it, but we also hate it. It drones on and on all day when we are motoring instead of sailing. After a while you must wear ear plugs if you are in the cockpit, and even then you go a little nuts after a few hours. So it is a powerful engine…it really makes us not want to use it!
It’s the constant noise in part that drives us to want to sail and not travel the ICW. However, the cold has been so strong recently that it has been the deciding factor for us. Even though we hate the engine noise o very very much, we hate the cold even more! So in effect the cold is more powerful (at affecting our decision to sail or motor on the ICW) than the (neverending monotonous droning noise of the) outboard.
Thanks for checking in! We’ll have more to share about our time in Charleston soon!