Monthly Archives: December 2014

The Earth is Overtaking Our Walls!

We’ve finally started the “Cob” project. i.e. Wea re covering the bamboo lath with our earth plaster. It’s like a concrete, but you put it on by hand, and it doesn’t require a heinous huge strip-mine, heavy machinery and lots of fossil fuels to create.

It’s made of:
local sand
local soil (dug from our lot)
local hay (from a farm down the road)



This is the first layer, a.k.a. the rough layer. There will be a smooth finish layer applied after this dries, and then after that we can paint it. It’ll look like any regular plaster when it’s finished, but we’ll have the awesome pride of having built it ourselves without requiring heavy machinery, massive infrastructure, fossil fuels, slave labor, or strip mines. Sweet.

Full Moon, December 6, 2014

It’s like a floodlight up above us, casting shadows across the floor as it shines through the bamboo lath.  Everything vibrates and hums with the collective energy around us, the sound of water over rocks.

No windows. No screens.  Just open to the night.

78 degrees and silver puffs of clouds hang over the mountain ridge across the river.  The floor pink beneath us with a thai massage mat laying across it.

All the lath up, the doorways framed, and a scaffold all around, today electrical outlet boxes and cables, our neighbors birthday, and new neighbors across the street with four syllable childrens’ names and sweet gentle hearts.

What a blessing.