Flying and grounding

It was time for our sejourn on the Pacific Coast to come to an end. We decided to make the return to San Jose a grand adventure by flying on one of the local airlines. There are several flights a day with Nature Air to get from Quepos/Manuel Antonio to San Jose. It wasn’t really that much more expensive than hiring a driver to take us in a car, and we were super excited to see the landscape from the air in a small plane.
And when I say small plane, I mean small, as in very WEE! It only seats 10 people, and, as it turned out we were the only 2 passengers on board! So we got the best seats available, right behind the pilots.

Of course Cap’t K was so excited, as he is a true lover of flight. I was excited too, although I have to say I was also very scared. Especially when we hit some turbulence coming over a ridge of mountains and we practically all hit our heads on the ceiling of the plane! But the view was fantastic, and it was thrilling to be so high in the air in such a small aircraft. I don’t think we stopped smiling the whole time, which wasn’t really very long….the flight only last about 30 minutes!

Lala getting on our "private" charter flight

Flying over the fabulous mountains

All in all, we were thrilled with our little experience and would gladly ride on Nature Air again.

Once we were back in San Jose, we reconnected for a few days with our sweet friend Eileen, staying at a little bed and breakfast for a few days that is owned by a friend of hers. Then we got to move into our new “casita” in Ciudad Colon, where we will be staying put until after the birth of the baby. Ciudad Colon is a cute little town on the outskirts of San Jose, right on the edge of the mountains. The little house where we are staying is literally on the edge of a steep mountain ridge, and on the edge of town. It’s a great location that makes you feel like you are way out in nature, but yet town is just a kilometer away.

The house is basic, and yet has everything we need to be comfortable, including a hammock on the porch! Here is what it looks like:

Our "new house"!

Kitchen and living area of our casita

Shortly after we settled in we met with our new midwife that we have decided to use for the birth.

My new birthing team, Natalie and Rebecca!

Her name is Rebecca and she came out to visit us along with our doula, or birth assistant, Natalie. I think that between these two fine women, the outstanding Cap’t K, and the doctor we met with a few weeks ago in San Jose as back-up (as well as the owner of the property, who is a retired midwife and doctor) I have an excellent birthing support team!! I feel so grateful and happy to get “nested” now in this nice comfy place knowing that our plan is in place.

Even though this area is known for adventure travel, we are not here for that reason….I at least, am relaxing and laying low more than I probably ever have in my whole life! And loving it!

4 thoughts on “Flying and grounding

    1. wh-admin Post author

      Is this THE Ann and Owen from Steel Dreams?!? We were just looking at some old photos of our sailing trip with Wee Happy the other day and were wondering what happened to you guys! Where are you now? Still in Marathon? On your boat? Off adventuring somewhere? We would love to hear from you!
      much love from Lala, Cap’t K and the Wee One!

  1. ann & owen ritchie " steal dreams"

    Yes its the Ann&Owen off of steal we left there over a year ago.we came home to ha for awhile but we are thinking of going back in the fall.not sure if marathon is our location or some where much longer before your wee one arrives great to hear from you guys please keep in touch we never hear from anyone we traveled with we have some great memories hopefully we will get back to sailing soon. Love & miss. Ann & Owen

  2. Nadene & Rob of SeaWolff (Andros island)

    Hi so pleased to see you last blogs, congrats on the pregnancy. Baby must be getting big by now. Do tell us how its going with your new family life. love Nadene


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