Warm Beach Wanted

We made it a little bit farther south today, but the wind was light and we didn’t want to motor all day long. The sun was out and we enjoyed a day of relaxing sailing. Being Saturday, lots of sailboats were out. We looked longingly at sandy beaches, but had to head for our planned destination. We decided not to run for Horn Harbor because the entrance channel sounds a bit sketchy. So we made a shorter run and pulled in to this lovely place. The water here is green. You can sense how we are getting closer to the gulf stream. Tomorrow our goal is to get to just north of Norfolk. There are two nice little anchorages just north of the entrance to the city at a place called Old Point Comfort. We did get a little beach time today, but the daylight was waning and the sun was low in the sky and the wind made us chilly. No swimsuits or sunbathing yet, but we sure hope soon! Best wishes to all our friends and family in the twin cities area getting hammered with the snow tonight. We’re listening to Prairie Home Companion right now and sympathizing…a little bit 😉

We went out for dinner at the only restaurant in town, and the waitress, a cute southern girl with brilliant white teeth and perfect makeup, asked us where we come from. We told her “Lake Champlain, up near Montreal” to which she replied, “Is that in Virginia?”


One thought on “Warm Beach Wanted

  1. Erin

    I love your tales of adventure. The podcasts are wonderful to hear. I got a package today for Kristopher from MA. How shall I get it to you two? I’m glad to hear that you are moving toward warmth!


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