We be Pirates?!?

We have probably mentioned the local pirate ship on our blog before:  The Black Raven is a prominent feature of the St. Augustine harbor.  It is a “replica” pirate ship that does live theatrical pirate shows on board the ship.  It was one of the first things we saw the first time we came to St. Augustine and one of the things we first loved about this city.  Ever since we first saw this charming pirate ship, we have fantasized about working on it.  Over the last few months, we’ve been getting to know a few of the pirate crew, and asking about working on the ship.  Up until now, they haven’t had any openings, so we’ve been waiting patiently for the busier springtime season to arrive when they would need more people.

Our day has come!  Cap’t K has been asked to join the pirate team as a driver/captain for the secondary ship, called the Queen Anne’s Revenge.  He will be responsible for driving the dread pirate Blackbeard over to a battle with the main Black Raven ship, and apparently cannons will be fired back and forth in a mock battle between the two boats until the Queen Anne’s Revenge loses and has to surrender the treasure chest to the Black Raven and all the children aboard.  Quite the job description!

I am going for a full pirate position, and have my big audition for the role TOMORROW.  For the audition, I have to sing a sea shanty, tell a pirate joke, and generally convince them that I am a good addition to the pirate crew.  Of course, I will be wearing my costume I have been putting together for the last few months.  If anyone knows any good pirate jokes, please let me know.  (Dad, I know you must have a few!)

I’m a bit nervous about the audition, so wish me luck!  (If I “break a leg”, I can get a peg leg and be really aunthentic….aarrrrr aaaarrrrr!)

This may be our big break into the world of pirates, so watch out!


6 thoughts on “We be Pirates?!?

  1. Larry

    A pirate walks into this bar and the bartender says “Why the peg leg?”

    Second pirate walks into the bar and the bartender says, “Do you know you have a hook for a hand?”

  2. Pamala and Tom Box

    Sounds exciting! Sending good luck your way. We’re leaving the cold and dreary North tomorrow. Can’t wait.


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