Greeting the sunrise on our crossing

Here is a short video of us greeting the sunrise while crossing the Gulf Stream from Islamorada Florida to Bimini Bahamas in Wee Happy, our Albin Vega sailboat.

5 thoughts on “Greeting the sunrise on our crossing

  1. Larry

    Duck walks into the bar and orders a drink. Bartender says, how you gonna pay for this? Duck replies, “just put it on my bill.”

  2. Janae

    Love the video! You guys look so happy and chipper (especially considering you’ve been sailing for hours on end…)! We’re soooo happy to see you made it safely and proudly! We miss you guys!

    1. wh-admin Post author

      Thanks guys! You’ll love it when you get here! We miss you too! It would be so nice to cruise with you. Yeah we were pretty exhausted by the time we made it to Andros, and we are happy recovering here. Today we are going to go to a “blue hole” cool!!!! Talk to you soon!


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