The Christmas Post

Here we are, spending Christmas while traveling. It doesn’t really feel like Christmas: there is no snow, we are far from family and friends. It’s just been another day on the boat. This year Christmas feels like an arbitrary date without a lot of concrete meaning. But we wish you all a warm and wonderful holiday nonetheless!! We really wish you were here!! This is a time to reflect on our blessings and appreciate our loved ones. We send our love to you all out there, wherever you are!

Here is a little glimpse of our Christmas: Last night on Christmas Eve we had a yummy dinner on our boat with our friend Roark and his mother Claudette. I made Oyster Stew, which was a Christmas tradition at my grandparents house as a child. Now that I’ve become a fan of oysters, I made this soup for the first time to carry on the family tradition. Everyone loved it! We woke up to a spectacularly bright morning of glassy water and blinding sun. It made me think of entering the gates of heaven.

Christmas morning

Roark gave us a wonderful book on Knots for Christmas, and we spent a good part of the day learning and practicing new knots. I am rapidly expanding my knot making skills beyond the basic bowline, and K. has already mastered several very complex braid type knots that are seriously impressive.

Tonight are going out for dinner with Roark, his mother, and his daughter who just flew in to visit today.
We are probably going out for Chinese food!!

You are all in our hearts today! Merry Christmas!

5 thoughts on “The Christmas Post

  1. Moti

    Hey Lita and Captain K!!
    I’ve been following along on your blog. It’s so great to hear your adventures! I love all the stories and your persevering spirits. Now I’m off on my adventure with Amanda. We’re in Arkansas for X-mas with her family and then we go to Costa Rica in a few days. Wanna meet us there!? Kidding! That would probably take you a while. Anyway, just wanted to share my blessings to you on the holiday from one adventurer to another.
    Feliz Navidad y Feliz año nuevo!
    In Motion,

    1. wh-admin Post author

      Hi Moti! So awesome to hear from you! Thanks for your note! I hope you have a fabulous time in Costa Rica — we would love to meet you there but it may be a long while before we get that far! Happy travels and stay in touch!

  2. Larry

    The birth of Christ continues to rock the world! Imagine, a virgin birth and overcoming death. No one before, or since, can compare! Merry Christmas to all.


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