check this out! It’s a shot from the bow of the annual ray migration in Mexico! (we did not take this photo, as we are en route to the Bahamas, not Mexico. Just a cool photo we wanted to share, and we are testing our new iPad application to upload photos).
Right now we are in Islamorada at my favorite restaurant, Loralei’s. They have the best Key Lime Pie in the entire world and Im eagerly awaiting my slice of heaven.
– Capt’n K & Lala
Hi guys
If you are still on target for crossing saturday have a good crossing and I hope the winds are in your favor. Cant wait to hear about the crossing whenever it happens and to see the shots of you ariving in the bahamas! just about every sailors dream destination.
I am also looking forward to your crusing cost breakdown.
That’s a great idea. thanks!
So far:
slip in bimini: $30
clearing in Bimini: $150
Groceries in Bimini: $15
Ice in bimini: $10
Groceries in Morgans bluff: $20
Beer & conch salad: $11
that’s it so far!!!
Just because you are not paranoid doesn’t mean they are not out to get you!