Bahamas prep continues, and continues….

Well I hate to say it, but we haven’t left yet. So close, we are so close! The list of things to do before we left kept getting longer, and longer, and longer. Even just an hour ago we were on the verge of hauling the anchor and taking off, and then we thought of more stuff we really should take care of before leaving the country. What have you guys been doing?, you ask? Well, here is a partial list.
We got oil and hunted down oil filters (30 miles away) for our outboard motor.
We scrubbed the bottom of our dinghy, which was way overdue. It had barnacles growing on it and it took a lot of elbow grease to get them off. But wow does our dinghy go faster now!
We scrubbed the bottom of Wee Happy, which was also getting slimy and had some barnacles starting. Lala did part of it and we hired Diver Mike to do the keel.
We had to find space on our boat for a bunch of stuff we had in storage. Major stowage reorganization project. It took hours. Albin Vegas have a surprising amount of storage, and it is quite shocking how much stuff Cap’t K. managed to fit below decks.
We got a few extra emergency gas cans.
We have been taking care of where our mail is going, and cell phone bills, and student loan payments, and bank stuff.
We have been saying our good byes and trying to have as many going away parties as possible.

And of course, there is the minor detail of where exactly are we going in the Bahamas and what route are we taking to get there? Hmmmm, maybe we will just have to give you the answer to that one when we get there, as we are not sure yet. We have a vague plan that is changing hourly, and in the end it may depend on the weather. There is little to no wind forecasted for the next few days, so that either means motoring across a calm Gulf stream ( which could be easy and lovely if I didn’t hate motoring so much), or it means waiting until there is decent wind in our favor, which would probably be AT LEAST a week or 10 days. Lately it seems that if there IS wind, it is from the East, which is not the direction we want.

So for all you readers who are waiting to “go to the Bahamas with us”, rest assured we are just making sure everything is ready and then we will be leaving for a safe passage shortly! We have one working camera (at least it works today, although Im sorry to say I can’t upload any photos from it right now because we just shut down our Internet connection and Im writing this on an Ipad, which has the annoying inability to upload photos). But there will be news and photos and video as soon as we are able to post again. Bon voyage!

4 thoughts on “Bahamas prep continues, and continues….

  1. Pam

    Are you guys going by yourself or are you traveling with a group?
    How long will it take you to get there?
    Be careful !!!!!
    My love to both of you and prayers for safety and smooth sailing and quick.

    1. wh-admin Post author

      Hi Pam!
      We currently do not have a buddy boat to cross over with. We have a prospect however, but they are in a bigger and faster boat. We are planning to leave Florida on Saturday morning and arrive in the Bahamas Saturday afternoon. Plans are always subject to change, however!!! Thanks for everything!

  2. WES

    Quit over planning! Just do it. Motor over and use the wind when you get there. Sitting in the Bahamas waiting for wind is better than sitting in Boot Key waiting on the wind. Don’t buy the 2.5gal H2O containers buy the 1gallon rounds they are more durable. Take some sweets and snacks! Have a great time! I am jealous!

    ps why will the Ipad not upload photos? the closer I get to getting one the more reasons I find not to.

    1. wh-admin Post author

      Yeah, wee have been thinking about doing that today! But the gas prices just went up to almost $5.00 per gallon, so we’ve been rethinking the idea. If wee were to motor over it would cost almost $100 in gas. We’re going to see if we can at least sail over partway if not the entire way. Gas over in the Bahamas is supposed to be twice what it costs here! The more we can stretch this gas, the better!!! Anyway, we are panning to leave on Saturday morning right now. Talk to you soon!


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