Bahamas Bound?!?

We’re doing it. We’re going to the Bahamas.

We made it through our small boat crises, at least for now, and we decided since we are this close to the Bahamas, we can’t go back to New England without at least stopping there.

How long will these groceries last?

So yesterday we did the “Big Bahamas Food Shopping Trip”. Everyone has been telling us to bring as much food and beer as possible to the Bahamas, because food, and especially beer and wine, are very expensive there, and sometimes there is not much available in stores on the smaller islands. So we borrowed a car, went to Publix, and loaded up. I don’t think I’ve ever bought that much food at one time. We were there for hours. We visited every aisle in the store.

Getting it all packed away in our wee boat is the major project of the day. Here is a hilarious photo of what the bench in Wee Happy looks like right now. I got a really good laugh out of this, hope you do too:

Can you find the cat in this picture?

Departure date OUT OF MARATHON: tomorrow.

We are hoping to find some time to visit with our friends around a pool down the road this afternoon, once we surface from the mountian of canned goods that has overtaken our boat.

6 thoughts on “Bahamas Bound?!?

  1. Pam

    God’s speed be with you and I will pray for good weather for sailing and your safety until I hear that you have made it.
    Stay Safe both of you.

    1. wh-admin Post author

      Enjoy the coffee! It sounds like you have a lot of good reasons to stay where you are right now and not go sailing to the Bahamas just yet (maybe at retirement?), so I hope you can live vicariously through us for now, as well as enjoy sailing this summer. It is all a compromise no matter what— if I had the secure job and health insurance and house I might not be here right now, but that also comes with it’s own package of stress….
      We will hopefully meet you on CT!

  2. Janae

    Whoa – you two weren’t kidding about the food! I can’t believe you managed to fit that all onto your boat; impressive! We’ll miss you guys! Have a safe trip and an awesome journey! We’ll be here when you get back (whenever that might be)!

  3. Diane Rollag

    Hey, I’m sooooo happy (that’s more than wee happy). I’m going to the Bahamas again! I so enjoyed my first trip there with your mom and three other gals, but this will be even more of an adventure.


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